Contest #1: 6.8''
Contest #2: 3222
Thursday morning update... I talked to the "WeatherNinja" this morning and he says the contest is down to 4 people right now as he calculates some preliminary numbers. Those contestants are Paula Cunningham, Amy Braswell, Joey Langston, and Ninja. However, Ninja is NOT eligible to win so it's technically down to 3 people. I'll keep you updated and good luck as we go into the final stretch of the contest.
February 21st update... well, it looks like winter contest #1 is in jeopardy of NOT having a winner. Remember, we play by the "Price Is Right" rules. That means the person who is closest WITHOUT going over wins. So I'm left with making a tough decision. I thought about drawing a name out of a hat, but that has the possibility of rewarding someone who guessed several feet of snow over someone who only guessed 10'' or so. I don't want to do that.
So I have decided that if we do not get anymore snow between now and Feb. 29th, I will extend contest #1 until March 31st. This is sort of "overtime" using football lingo. If no winner is determined at that time, there will be no winner in that particular contest. I will hold the prizes to give away in the summer contest.
As far as contest #2, preliminary calculations show a close contest. If we just get "average" low temperatures at North Little Rock through the end of the month, Paula Cunningham is in good position to win. However, it has to be average and we know there will be wild swings in the weather over the next week. This should be fun to track!!!!!
If NLR has average low temperatures for the last 8 days of February, then 313 degrees will be added to the current running total of 3173 for a grand total 3486 which means that Paula's guess of 3550 will be too high. So, it looks like myself and Michael Hook are in pretty good shape with our "guesses" of 3450.
Wow, comments have been dead on the latest posts. And for good reason too! Nothing to comment about with this boring, "nice" weather.
I am making a bold prediction. LaNina is more or less dead. I predict a normal or below normal severe weather season. Especially in regards to tornadoes. I don't see this being the year for extremes. Todd and WeatherNinja, what are your thoughts?
Ok, point taken Todd about seasonal outlooks. I read the blog by Peter Marsh. I know the gulf is very warm. That could play a very important roll this severe weather season. However, I still think it will be a normal year. Especially in regards to tornadoes.
Low level cold air could be a problem next week..It could be a case where Central Sections see Ice & Northern Sections see Snow or Northern Sections see Ice & Central Sections see's plain rain or a little mix..It's on the table..But, This year has not treated us well as far as Cold & Snow so, I wouldnt get to fired up about this until this weekend..I do think a Major Winter Storm will effect the Southern Plains next week though..But, Will Arkansas get in on the Action...We Shall See
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