Thursday, April 02, 2015

Marginal, Slight, Enhanced, Moderate, High, Lions, Tigers, and Bears

The Storm Prediction Center implemented new severe risk categories.  This video explains what they mean and how we will handle it at Channel 7.


Anonymous said...

I know things are still up in the air right now. However, please keep us informed about Thursday. Hearing it could be the first real tornado outbreak of the year. Initial reports believe the worst to be Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Illinois. Thanks for keeping us weather aware.

David P said...

This is going to be an interesting year with the NWS deciding to change their forecasting by adding levels. They also seen to change their SPC outlook when storms are happening.

I would also say they dropped the ball with that last Moore tornado, but instead of taking responsibility, they just kicked the ball AT local areas who rely on THEM by saying that local areas can make the call to sound sirens.
We already have issues with too many who want to "play" meteorologists without the ones who are meteorologists dropping the ball and pushing it off on others.

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