Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Winter Will Not Give Up

In addition to the very cold conditions over the next few days, we have 3 more systems to watch.  The first arrives Thursday afternoon and the 2nd arrives late Friday.  Both of these appear minor.  The data also points to something bigger next week, but I urge caution.  When it's 5-7 days away, I don't buy into specifics.  This video goes over everything for you.


Anonymous said...

LOL I knew Blake would say no to beans! Todd taught him not to like them!

Anonymous said...

Blake needs to be an addition to all future video blog posts. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

make the snow go away!! :(
I have some traveling to do .

Anonymous said...

I hope we get a massive blizzard. We're never lucky enough for one.

Anonymous said...

When will El Dorado get any snow????

Anonymous said...

Happy National Weather Person Day to you Todd

Mike R said...

Chili with no beans is called hot dog sauce!

Keep the Blog just the way is! Thanks for all your work.

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